Friday, March 27, 2009

"What if Women Ran the World?"
By Mark Lange
March 26, 2009

The editorial, "What if Women Ran the World" by Mark Lange, states that the world may be a better place if women ran it. Lange bases his opinion on personal observations and studies. He urges the reader to think about women they admire and question whether they would have made the same bad decisions as past leaders have made. Lange also compares women to men, highlighting that men are more prideful, risk-taking, and decisive, while women exhibit more humility and collaboration. This contrast supports the greater ability for women to lead over men. Lastly, Lange states that women will teach America to lead more through positive influence than force.

Mark Lange's editorial is one I find true but unrealistic. I believe that women, like Lange stated, make decisions more thoughtfully, being more aware of the effects. The MIT study that Lange refers to is one that helps persuade the reader to agree with his statements. I find it interesting that women were able to run villages in India better than men. Seeing the increase of women's payroll and ownership of businesses is also persuasive in showing women's capablitly to lead over men.

Unfortunately, women's capability of leading is not the only factor, but the acceptance of women having a different role in socitey, other than being the caregiver to the children, plays a huge part too. I belive that the alleged inferiority of women will be, for quite a while, the reason why female leaders will not surpass the number of male leaders. Other nations still see women as very inferior to men. I believe that great leaders are not only ones that are very capable to lead, but ones that have the respect of most of who they lead. For this reason, I think that America could not have a female president.

So in conclusion, Mark Lange's editorial is one that I agree with. Women would make great leaders and men should learn from the sucesses of women. The likelihood of women becoming great political leaders right now, though, is very unlikely.